Kawerau Youth Council

Kawerau Youth Council

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In June 2008 the Kawerau District Council established the Kawerau Youth Council (KYC) to represent the views of the young people in the community and provide an opportunity for these views to be heard and included in decision making.

KYC comprises young people aged between 12 and 24 and is designed to encourage youth participation in civic affairs and provide a voice and direction on youth issues to the Kawerau District Council, community groups and organisations.

KYC will advocate for and support youth events, activities and facility provisions within the District.

KYC's Vision Statement

"Kawerau is where young people are optimistic, supported and encouraged to take up challenges to contribute to a growing, vibrant community"

KYC's motto

"Gaining more MANA"

KYC Outcomes

  • To target the achievers of Kawerau and enhance their leadership skills 
  • To establish and run high quality events/activities and functions for the youth of Kawerau 
  • To build a community with strong confident youth leaders 
  • Creating self confident youth leaders who will then mentor successive generations


Kawerau Youth Council Feedback on "Doing What’s RIGHT for Mokopuna" Digital Booklet

Mana Mokopuna, in collaboration with the Kawerau District Council, hosted a series of workshops to gather feedback on their recently implemented digital booklet, "Doing What’s RIGHT for Mokopuna in Aotearoa New Zealand | Te Mahi TIKA mō a Tātou Mokopuna." The Kawerau Youth Council was specifically engaged to provide a youth perspective, and their contributions proved invaluable, leading to significant recognition from Mana Mokopuna and a personal visit from the NZ Children's Commissioner.

The "Doing What’s RIGHT for Mokopuna" digital booklet aims to provide guidance and information on the rights of children (mokopuna) in Aotearoa New Zealand. Recognizing the importance of youth voices in shaping resources that directly impact them, Mana Mokopuna sought feedback from the Kawerau Youth Council. This initiative was facilitated by the Kawerau District Council YPO John Rika, with the support of a long-time youth worker and former Kawerau resident Jordaan Tuitama.

Workshop and Feedback:

The Kawerau Youth Council enthusiastically participated in the workshops, providing detailed and insightful feedback on the digital booklet. Their key areas of focus included:

  • Integration of Te Ao Māori: KYC emphasized the critical need for the booklet to genuinely and effectively integrate Te Ao Māori principles, ensuring cultural relevance and respect.
  • Accessibility and Clarity of Language: Ensuring the language used was clear, concise, and accessible to a wide audience, particularly young people, was a priority.
  • Clear Articulation of Mokopuna Rights: KYC stressed the importance of clearly outlining and defining the rights of mokopuna within the Aotearoa New Zealand context.
  • Definition of "RIGHT": The use of the word "RIGHT" in the title prompted the council to request a clear and comprehensive definition of what that entails within the context of the booklet.
  • Addressing Vulnerable and Marginalized Children: The council emphasized the necessity of the booklet adequately addressing the specific needs of vulnerable and marginalized children.

The feedback provided by the Kawerau Youth Council was highly regarded by Mana Mokopuna. Their thoughtful and constructive contributions significantly impacted the refinement of the digital booklet.

Recognizing the KYC's invaluable input, the NZ Children's Commissioner, Dr. Clair Achmad, traveled from Wellington to Kawerau to personally thank the Kawerau Youth Council. This gesture highlights the significance of the council's involvement and the impact of their feedback.

The "Doing What’s RIGHT for Mokopuna" digital booklet will have a lasting impact on the lives of children in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Kawerau Youth Council's participation in its development ensures that youth voices are represented and considered in a resource that will shape future generations.

This initiative demonstrates the power of youth engagement and the importance of incorporating diverse perspectives in the development of resources that affect children. The recognition received by the Kawerau Youth Council underscores their commitment to their community and their ability to contribute meaningfully to important initiatives. The Kawerau Youth Council were a part of something big, and ensured that Kawerau Youth voices were heard.

Doing What's Right for Mokopuna digital booklet can be found here: https://www.manamokopuna.org.nz/publications/reports/doing-whats-right-for-mokopuna/

NZ Childrens Commissioner Dr Clair Achmad on back far left, back row: Cedar McGarvey, Jordaan Tuitama, Kawerau Mayor Faylene Tunui, Whaiaipo McClutchie, Nikau Maurice, John Rika, Armani Wihapi
Front: Heidi Parks, Mana Mokopuna representative, Homer Angelo, Sidney Waiari

Further information

JJ Rika (KDC Youth Projects Officer)

Mobile027 886 0494